Relaxation tips and techniques will be on offer on Thursday, June 13 at CLAN Cancer Support’s quarterly gathering in Stonehaven. Laura Davidson, a director and practitioner at the Rosemount Centre for Complementary Therapies in Aberdeen, will be giving a short talk and demonstration on ways to help people relax.
Gemma Powell, CLAN’s area services co-ordinator, said: “CLAN offers relaxation classes in Stonehaven, Inverurie and Aberdeen as part of our range of free support services. Tension and anxiety are often part of living with cancer and learning how to relax can help reduce stress and promote better sleep.”
“People have told us how worthwhile they find the relaxation classes and I would encourage anyone who is interested to come along to the support group for this taster session. Our support group meets quarterly. We usually have a guest speaker and there is always time for coffee and chat.”
The Support Group meet in the Invercarron Resource Centre on Low Wood Road, Stonehaven at 7.30 pm and is open to anyone affected by any type of cancer – those with a cancer diagnosis, their family members and close friends are all welcome.
CLAN Cancer Support is an independent charity. It is open four days a week in Stonehaven offering a drop-in service, complementary therapies, counselling and access to CLAN’s children & family support services. The Robert Street premises are open Monday (6pm–8.30 pm), Wednesday (10am–1.30pm), Tuesday and Thursday (10am-4pm) as well as a fortnightly relaxation class on a Monday morning. For more information visit or contact CLAN’s Stonehaven co-ordinator, Helen Sheen, on 07754 329323.
For further information about CLAN Cancer Support please call (01224) 647 000 or visit
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