
Thank you to client Jean Milne for sharing her CLAN poem


According to the telly this is poetry day

Well if that is the case there is something I must say

And that is to say CLAN, it’s a huge thank you to you

Minute by minute, day by day, its thanks for all you do

In Aberdeen you support so many with your care

For successful outcomes you sure take your share

A welcome, a smile, a homely feel is the stories they tell

A blanket of comfort envelope them when unwell

Of course so much more you do seen and unseen

And coming into our communities you are so keen

Here in Turriff, week by week your support is good

So it’s a wee poem of thanks from me as I should

When I arrived that first time, I said I’m not needy

But now for company and therapies I am quite greedy

Angie and all her angels make us welcome each time

And for everyone, carers and users to you all my wee rhyme

The monthly coffee mornings, all enjoy

Especially if there’s a scone or 2 for Hugh to enjoy

The support from the community is quite simply great

And for the next coffee morning, well they take note of the date

Your therapist Deborah has a talent so rare

After my treatment the improvement is beyond compare

The team is wonderful, the cakes by the way amazing

And to think Lorraine’s talent includes all that sharing

So on this poetry day I just want to say thank you

Really, really appreciate all that you do

Thursdays now have CLAN pencilled in

And my Friday visit to Crimond…well where do I begin

It proves the worth of CLAN going on

In Crimond the CLAN care to all can belong

Cancer is not great, in fact it can be hell

But CLAN is there for support we can tell

What an inspiration, and what a success

CLAN started small but now is a charity to impress

Upon each client, resident or out and about

Thank you, thank you CLAN is what we all shout.

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