
CLAN sets records for Baker Hughes 10K

CLAN has enlisted more than 300 runners for tomorrow's event (19 May 2013), smashing the previous records of 170 athletes, representing the charity.

Susan Crighton, fundraising manager, said "Last year the Baker Hughes efforts raised £25,000. With the incredible response to the appeal for runners, this year we're on course to go past that total. The support has been phenomenal and the enthusiasm for the event seems to grow and grow. We're so grateful to everyone who has signed up to represent CLAN and it promises to be a fantastic day." Aberdeen-based firm Cameron, a leading provider of flow equipment to the oil and gas industry, has also joined the CLAN effort. Cameron will have 30 runners earing the charity's colours at the race.

Senior plant manager, Chris Blacklock, said "There has been a real buzz aroundthe office, with Team Cameron in training for the Baker Hughes and everyoe having a lot of fun with the fundraising."

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