Alison Chandler, from Johnshaven, will display up to 24 of her paintings at CLAN House, Westburn Road in Aberdeen in July, in recognition of the support that the charity offers to local people impacted by cancer.
The exhibition, entitled “The Way Through Project” will be on display throughout CLAN House from 1- 25 July, with the artist herself present on Saturday 6 July and Thursday 25 July to discuss the paintings which she created as therapy during treatment from cancer of the appendix.
During her treatment, Alison painted a picture every day, to help distract her from worrying about the effects of the chemotherapy. As well as displaying the collection of the images, Alison has donated nine individual unique pieces which will be used to decorate rooms and shared areas at CLAN’s bed and breakfast facility, CLAN Haven.
The paintings, which are all very different, reflect Alison’s mood and feelings during the treatment, with a central theme of an apple core.
She explained: “My mother said she knew I would be OK as I have a strong core, so I painted apples. I tried to focus on my inner strength to take my mind off my fear. ‘Day 8’ is a painting of my core surrounded by a river of loving hands, which represents the support I received from friends and family.
“My friends encouraged me to display my work at community spaces including CLAN in order to get people talking and inspire people at difficult times. I know from my own experience and from my work at the Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations (ACVO) the important work CLAN does.”
Iona Mitchell, head of cancer support services at CLAN, said: “We are honoured that Alison has chosen to display her paintings at CLAN. I am sure our clients will be inspired by her honesty and creativity and we hope visitors will come to experience the paintings and see for themselves what CLAN has to offer.
“The paintings are available to view or to purchase, and Alison has generously donated 20% of her profits to CLAN, to help us to continue to support people like Alison who are affected by cancer.
“Painting and other creative activities can be extremely beneficial during treatment for cancer, and CLAN’s therapeutic offering reflects this by offering groupwork activities in art, craft and photography throughout the charities centres around the North east."
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